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"Many businesses struggle to grow their sales. Sales Xceleration provides business owners with an experienced Sales Consultant to drive sales growth when you need it most."

Fractional, Interim and Proven Sales Leadership with Solutions to:

Who We Serve

Companies seeking to increase their sales growth and leadership effectiveness which may include designing sales program with strategy and execution plans, recruiting team members, training, developing and leading that new sales effort on an interim or temporary basis.

Our Services

Assess: What is Working or not Working? | Develop: Sales Process, System, and People 
Lead: Implement the Playbook and Lead Execution | Win: Achieve New Growth Goals, Hire Permanent Leader and Team Members

Fractional VP of Sales

“Experience is a lesson of the past to lessen the burden of the future.” – Michael Sage

Creating the Plan : Sales infrastructure

“You see things; you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?” – G.B. Shaw

Sales and Sales Manager Training

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” – Max De Pree

Recruiting the Team

“I’d rather have a lot of talent and a little experience than a lot of experience and a little talent.” – J Wooden

Sales Playbook Development

“Price is What You Pay, Value is What You Get.” – Warren Buffet

Sales Strategy Framework Implementation

“A good strategy doesn’t just draw on existing strength; it creates strength through the coherence of its design.” -Richard Rumelt

Jeff Parris

Our Founder

As a former professional athlete and championship football coach, Jeff leveraged those experiences into a business career as a dynamic sales leader who owned and successfully operated multiple businesses as well as held key Vice President of Sales positions within start-ups, mid-market and Fortune 500 corporations. Jeff knows how to lead and work with others and drive the change necessary to get results and allow an organization to achieve its goals.

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