For most companies to break through or reach the next level, they must ensure that foundational building blocks exist. The presence of these building blocks does not guarantee success, but their absence ensures long-term failure! A company may have none, some, or all of them in place, but they are ill-conceived or ineffective. Let’s collaborate and leverage Vector Sales Advisor’s expertise to get this right and ensure you have the platform for a breakthrough!

Vectors Sales Advisors provides this 90–120-day engagement focusing on the following areas of your sales organization:
- Creating, enhancing, or changing your sales plan and projections over the short-term, mid-term, and long-term intervals.
- Review and potentially redo company compensation systems; evaluate, analyze, and build new compensation programs.
- Review, create, or redo “Job Clarity” through job analysis and job descriptions, including industry benchmarking, to drive greater accountability and desired sales behaviors.
- Review the sales structure, “go to market” strategy, and hiring process, including recruiting, assessments, and behavioral interviewing. Evaluate and hire any new addition (this does not include fees for the search process, however).
- Review and redefine your quota system, if necessary.
- Defining your sales process and applying a cadence around it for the organization
- Reviewing or helping you select your CRM system and integrating it into the process, as well as defining the right “gauges” and “flashes” to build and from which to manage and lead
- Building out your onboarding process for new hires.
- Establish the right leading indicators to get to predictable and repeatable sales performance and success
- Hiring the key sales professional or Sales Manager resources

Building the foundation and infrastructure is critical to building long term sales success as well as building up the valuation of your organization and being sure it can succeed from a sales growth perspective consistently over time. By installing the right “sales operating system” you ensure your sales execution architecture stays congruent with your vision, core values, core focus, and overall operating plan.